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- About
Hans Klar
Professor and Department Chair
Office: Room 332, 101 Gantt Cir
Phone: 864-656-5091
Email: hklar@clemson.edu
Vita: Click Here
Educational Background
Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
University of Wisconsin-Madison 2010
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction
University of Sydney 1995
B.S. Elementary Education
University of Southern Maine 1991
Hans W. Klar, PhD, is a professor and the Department Chair in the Department of Educational and Organizational Leadership Development. In this role, he supports faculty and students in the Athletic Leadership, Education Systems Improvement Science, Educational Leadership, Human Resource Development, and Student Affairs programs. Dr. Klar has served as a faculty member and coordinator of the educational leadership programs at Clemson University since 2010. He received his PhD in Educational Leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to commencing doctoral studies, he served in a variety of teaching and educational leadership positions in Australia, China, and Japan, including Associate Dean for English Programs at the Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce at Shanghai University.
Dr. Klar’s research is centered on fostering leadership development in rural and high needs schools through research practice partnerships. At Clemson, he has led the South Carolina Successful School Principals’ Project and co-directed two leadership coaching initiatives, the Leadership Learning Community and the LEADERS Center of Excellence, which is funded by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. He has also served as a visiting scholar at the Universidad Andrés Bello in Santiago, Chile and at the Center for Principal Development at Umeå University in Umeå, Sweden.
Selected Publications:
Klar, H. W. (2023). Leadership and governance for improvement: Successful leadership in high needs schools. In K. Leithwood (Ed.), The International encyclopedia of education (4th Ed.). Elsevier. 186-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.05036-3
Klar, H. W., Huggins, K. S., & Andreoli, P. M. (2021). Coaching, professional community, and continuous improvement: Rural school leader and coach development in a research-practice partnership. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2020.1869311
Huggins, K. S., Klar, H. W., & Andreoli, P. M. (2021). “I thought I was prepared to do this”: An exploration of the learning and development of leadership coaches. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education,1-15. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMCE-01-2021-0014
Huggins, K. S., Klar, H. W., & Andreoli, P. M. (2021). Facilitating leadership coach capacity for school leadership development: The intersection of structured community and experiential learning. Educational Administration Quarterly, 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X20915948
Klar, H. W. & Huggins, K. S. (2020). Developing rural school leaders: Building Capacity through transformative leadership coaching. New York: Routledge.
Andreoli, P. M., & Klar, H. W. (2020). Becoming the drivers of change: Continuous improvement in a rural research-practice partnership. Journal of Educational Administration, 1-15. https://www.emerald.com/insight/0957-8234.htm
Other publications can be found here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AyfrCE8AAAAJ
Courses Taught
EDIS 9200 Systemic Educational Reform
EDIS 9300 Rural Education
EDIS 9890 Advanced Doctoral Seminar
EDIS/EDL 9910 Doctoral Dissertation Research
EDL 8390 Introduction to Research in Educational Leadership
EDL 9000 Principles of Educational Leadership
EDL 9860 Doctoral Research Internship
EDLL 8000 Introduction to Public School Administration
EDLL 8050 Contemporary Issues in School Leadership
EDLL 8100 Organizational Improvement in School Leadership
EDLL 8150 School and Community Relations
EDLL 8200 School Personnel Development
EDLL 8350 Program Evaluation for School Leaders
EDLL 8400 Instructional Leadership II
Research Interests
Distributed Leadership
Leadership Coaching and Development
Research-Practice Partnerships
School Improvement
Supervision of Instruction
Book: Developing Rural School LeadersJournal of Educational Administration Highly Commendable Paper Award
The International Successful School Principals Project