- Academics Overview
- Undergraduate Overview
- Agricultural Education
- Early Childhood Education, B.A.
- Elementary Education, B.A.
- Middle Level Education, B.S.
- Mathematics Teaching, B.S.
- Modern Languages Education, B.A.
- Special Education, B.A.
- Secondary Education, B.A.
- Science Teaching, B.S./B.A.
- Athletic Leadership Minor
- Human Capital Education and Development
Masters and Specialist Programs
- Masters and Specialist Programs Overview
- Athletic Leadership (Online)
- Counselor Education
- Educational Leadership
- Human Resource Development
- Learning Sciences
- Literacy (Online)
- Middle Level Education, MAT
- Modern Languages, MAT
- Secondary Education, MAT
- Special Education (Online)
- Student Affairs
- Teaching and Learning (Online)
- Doctoral Programs
- Certificates | Endorsements | Licensure
- Expressway to Tiger Town
- Bachelors To Masters | Teacher Residency
- Teaching Fellows
- Research
- Programs
- Students
- About
Michelle Boettcher
Associate Professor Professor
Office: 214 Gantt Circle
Phone: 864-656-1446
Email: mboettc@clemson.edu
Vita: Click Here
Website: https://www.mlboettcher.com/
Educational Background
Ph.D. Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
Iowa State University 2013
M.Ed. Higher Education
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 1996
B.S. History
Iowa State University 1990
My background working in housing and conduct for nearly 20 years serves as my foundation as an educator and scholar. I have worked or learned at Iowa State University, the University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, the University of Cincinnati, Ohio University, Dartmouth College, and now at Clemson University.
I am committed to collaborative learning spaces and innovation in learning and practice. The classroom is a space where we each get to share our insights, areas of expertise, and how our identities and backgrounds inform our work and learning in and beyond higher education. I actively engage in efforts to continuously improve student engagement and learning as well as my pedagogy.
I look for ways to support students as scholars particularly in my practice of partnering with graduate students on writing projects. I have served as editor and/or reviewer for 15 different journals. I currently am the editor for ACPA's Developments publication which focuses on a broad range of writing opportunities particularly for students, new(er) practitioners, and emerging writers.
Being a faculty member affords me the opportunity to draw upon my interests as a writer, educator, and innovator in the context of higher education with a focus on student affairs across functional areas.
Courses Taught
EDC 8080, Legal & Ethical Issues in Student Affairs Practice
EDC 8110, Multicultural Counseling
EDC 8190, The Contemporary College Student
EDC 8440, Student Affairs Internship
EDL 7650, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
EDL 8390, Research Methods in Educational Leadership
EDL 8550, Applied Research and Evaluation in Higher Education
EDL 8850, Selected Topics (Student Affairs Orientation)
EDL 9500, Education Policy, Law, & Ethics
EDL 9550, Theory and Practice of Educational Leadership
EDL 9620, Higher Education Governance
EDL 9720, Ethics in Educational Leadership
EDL 9750, College Teaching
EDL 9800, Title IX and Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education
EDL 9860, (Doctoral) Research Internship
EDL 9880, Directed Research
EDSA 8030: Student Development Services in Higher Education
EDSA 8110: Multicultural Counseling (Social Justice in Student Affairs)
EDSA 8190: Contemporary College Student
EDSA 8400: Independent Study
EDSA 8440/8441 Student Affairs Internship
Research Interests
I explore the intersection of academic and student affairs practice and law, policy, and ethics and how they inform each of the following:
Career decision-making
Diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and access in higher education
Popular culture
Scholarship of teaching and learning
Law and ethics in academic and student affairs: Developing an institutional intelligence approachThe Niceties: Scripted provocation
Keeping Hogwarts open: Harry Potter in higher education
Rural Black and Latinx Students: Engaging community cultural wealth in higher education
The cultivation of support networks by Students of Color in a residence hall setting at a predominantly white institution