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College of Education

Megan E. Carpenter

Research Fellow

Vita: Click Here

Educational Background

Ph.D. Special Education
University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2021

M.Ed. Special Education
University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2016

BS Special Education
Loyola University Chicago 2012


Megan E. Carpenter, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a Research Fellow in the College of Education. In this role, she primarily supports the Behavior Alliance of South Carolina, a technical assistance project funded by the SC Department of Education. Dr. Carpenter’s scholarship focuses on supporting special educators and general educators to collaborate to design and implement supports, specifically positive behavioral supports, for students with extensive support needs (ESN) to promote access to and participation in inclusive educational settings. She is also interested in how we can include input from students with extensive support needs into the design and implementation of behavior support plans they receive.

Courses Taught

EDSP 3700: Introduction to Special Education

Research Interests

Selected Publications (*indicated student was a co-author at time of preparation)

Carpenter, M. E., Walker, V. L., *Fredrick, D., & Edyburn, D. L. (2023). Systematically Planning Supports to Promote Access to and Meaningful Participation in General Education Settings for Students With IDD. TEACHING Exceptional Children,

Carpenter, M. E., Lo, Y., Walker, V. L., Masud, A. B., & Tapp, M. C. (2023). Effects of Check-in/Check-out on the behavior of students with autism spectrum disorder who have extensive support needs.?Psychology in the Schools, 60, 3504-3019,

Johnson, H., Carpenter, M. E., Austin, A., & Folkerts, R. E. (2022). Including students with significant support needs in the functional behavior assessment process. Inclusive Practices,

* Masud-Werner, A. M., Walker, V. L., Carpenter, M. E., & Anderson, A. (2022). Functional communication training in inclusive settings for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A literature review. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. [Advance online publication].

* Ogden, N., Walker, V. L., Tapp, M. C., & Carpenter, M. E. (2022). Teacher-Delivered Training to Support Paraprofessionals in Functional Communication Training Implementation. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. [Advance online publication].

Walker, V. L., Carpenter, M. E., Lyon, K. L., & Button, L. (2021). A meta-analytic review of paraprofessional-implemented interventions to address challenging behavior among students with disabilities. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 58(4), 686-701.

Walker, V. L., Carpenter, M. E., Clausen, A., Ealer, K., & Lyon, K. J. (2021). Special educators as coaches to support paraprofessional implementation of functional communication training. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 23(3), 174-184. https://doi/org/10.1177/109800720957995

Thompson, J. R., Walker, V. L., Snodgrass, M., Nelson, J., Carpenter, M. E., Hagiwara, M., & Shogren, K. A. (2020). Planning supports for students with intellectual disability in general education classrooms. Inclusion, 8(1), 27-42.