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College of Education

Shanna Eisner Hirsch

Associate Professor

Office: 228 Holtzendorff Hall
Phone: 864-656-7645 (Dept)
Vita: Click Here

Educational Background

Ph.D. Special Education
University of Virginia 2016

M.Ed. Special Education
Vanderbilt University 2009

B.S. Social Work
University of Vermont 2004


Dr. Shanna Hirsch is a graduate of Vanderbilt University (M.Ed) and the University of Virginia (Ph.D.). She is an Associate Professor of Special Education in the College of Education. She is also the Special Education PhD Program Coordinator and Director of the Behavior Alliance of South Carolina.

Her scholarship is represented by two main lines of research related to special education with a focus on emotional behavioral disorders (EBD): (a) identifying effective instructional methods for preservice and in-service teachers’ classroom management and functional-assessment based interventions and (b) creating effective and sustainable university-district research-practice partnerships. Across these lines, she draws on theories rooted in applied behavior analysis, practice-based professional development, community engagement, and multimedia design theory. To date, she has published over 60 journal articles and delivered over 100 conference presentations and webinars. Dr. Hirsch serves on several editorial boards (e.g., Behavioral Disorders, Exceptional Children, Journal of Special Education Technology).

Courses Taught

EDHD 3110: Creative Inquiry – PBIS Films
EDHD 3110: Creative Inquiry – Mixed Reality Simulator
EDHD 3110: Creative Inquiry – Technology and Education
EDSP 3700: Introduction to Special Education
EDSP 3740: Characteristics & Strategies for Individuals with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
EDSP 3741: Characteristics & Strategies for Individuals with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Laboratory (mixed-reality simulator – Undergraduate)
EDSP 4990: Special Education Honors Research and Dissemination

EDSP 8560: Intensive Behavioral Interventions for Individuals with Disabilities
EDSP 8370: Research in High Incidence Disabilities
EDSP 8540: Applied Behavior Analysis
EDSP 8710: Ethics and Legal Issues in ABA

EDSP 8370: Research in High Incidence Disabilities
EDSP 9390: Professional Writing in Special Education
EDSP 9340: Instructional Design/Delivery
EDSP 9500: College Teaching and Field Supervision in Special Education
EDSP 9910: Dissertation
EDSP 9970: Direct Research

Research Interests

RECENT PUBLICATIONS (* Indicates a co-author was a student at time of preparation)

*Qualls, L. W., *Carlson, A., *Scott, S., *Cunningham, J., & Hirsch, S. E. (2024). Mixed-reality simulation and pre-service teacher education: A systematic review. Teacher Education and Special Education, 47(2), 124-141.

Stevenson, N., McDaniel, S. M., & Hirsch, S. E (2023). Assessing classroom management practices: Setting the stage for effective and equitable interventions. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 49(2).

Morris, K., Hirsch, S. E., Strickland-Cohen, K., & Bruhn, A. L. (2023). Remote classroom management: A survey study of teachers’ online practices. Preventing School Failure.

Hirsch, S., & *Qualls, L. W. (2023). Unpacking the ECHO model: A tool to strategically connect and support special educators. Journal of Education Human Resources.

Youngs, P., Hirsch, S. E., Nagro, S., & Kennedy, M. (2023). Approaches to teaching classroom management at 33 universities: More commonality than difference? Teacher Education and Special Education.

*Randall, K. N., Hirsch, S. E., & Allen, A. A. (2023). Examining the effectiveness of multimedia video on pedestrian safety with students with intellectual disabilities. The Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 12(2), 79-96.

Hirsch, S. E., Griffith, C., *Kelley, M. H., *Carlson, A., & *McKown, G. (2023). Increasing preservice teachers’ knowledge and skills using a mixed-reality simulator: The tale of two studies. Teacher Education and Special Education.

Hirsch, S. E., Lewis, T. J., Griffith, C. A., *Carlson, A., Brown, C., & Katsiyannis, A. (2023). An analysis of selected aspects of functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans. Journal of Special Education.

Hirsch, S. E., Mathews, H., *Carlson, A., Griffith. C., & Walker, A. (2023). Using Project ECHO during the pandemic to connect special educators who work with students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. DOI: 10.1177/10634266231154196


Behavior Alliance of South Carolina


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Connected Learning in Education and Research Lab