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College of Education

Sarah E Stokowski

Associate Professor, Athletic Leadership

Phone: 864-656-3484
Vita: Click Here

Educational Background

Ph.D. Kinesiology and Sport Studies
University of Tennessee

M.Ed. Special Education
Clemson University

M.Ed. Adult and Higher Education
University of Oklahoma

BSE Sport Science
University of Kansas


Sarah Stokowski, PhD, currently serves as an associate professor of Athletic Leadership at Clemson University. Sarah studies college athlete development specializing in personal development literacies (e.g., career maturity, athlete identity, athlete transition). In partnership with the Professional Association of Athlete Development Specialist (PAADS), she is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Athlete Development and Experience (JADE). Throughout her tenure, Stokowski has authored or co-authored more than 100 refereed publications. Additionally, she has secured more than $350,000 in grants and gifts, including the 2018-2021 NCAA CHOICES grant as well as funding through the United States Department of Veteran Affairs to implement adaptive sport programming. Sarah is a Robert H. Brooks Sport Science Institute Fellow, which recognizes the top sport scholars at Clemson. Stokowski is also a Renowned Research Fellow at the United States Center for Mental Health and Sport, a College Sport Research Institute (CSRI) Research Fellow, a recipient of the National Association of Academic and Student-Athlete Development Professionals (N4A) research award, and recently earned the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Early-Career Award in Education and Sport. Before joining the Athletic Leadership program at Clemson, Stokowski spent six years at the University of Arkansas, earning teaching awards at both the departmental and college levels. A proud graduate of Clemson University, Sarah resides in The Upstate with her husband, Joey, and their two dogs and four cats.

Career Highlights:
• AERA Early-Career Award in Education and Sport
• College Sport Research Institute (CSRI) Research Fellow
• Robert H. Brooks Sport Science Institute Fellow
• United States Center for Mental Health and Sport Renowned Research Fellow
• Founding Editor-in-chief Journal of Athlete Development and Experience
• 2018-2021 NCAA CHOICES grant recipient
• United States Department of Veteran Affairs grant recipient
• NASSM executive committee, member-at-large (2019-2021)


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