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- About
Christy Brown
Clinical Associate Professor of Quantitative Methodology
Office: 101 Gantt Circle, Ofc 210
Phone: 864-656-7645 (Dept)
Email: cjb2@clemson.edu
Vita: Click Here
Website: http://www.people.clemson.edu/~cjb2
Educational Background
Ph.D. Quantitative Methods in Educational Psychology
University of Georgia 2013
M.S. Statistics
University of Georgia 2010
B.S.Ed. Mathematics Education
University of Georgia 2004
Dr. Christy Brown is a clinical associate professor of quantitative methodology in the Department of Education and Human Development (EHD) at Clemson University. She teaches doctoral-level courses in statistics for educational contexts and provides statistical support to educational researchers throughout the College of Education through her role as the founding director of the EHD Quantitative Clinic. Her statistical collaborations have resulted in publications in top-tier journals such as Literacy Research and Instruction, The Journal of Special Education, and Reading Research Quarterly. Christy frequently serves as the primary statistician or program evaluator on external grants, with total funding of $11.45 million from six NSF awards and one US Department of Education award. Her prior appointments include teaching AP Statistics to high school students (2004-2008) and coordinating the Statistical Methods I course in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University (2013-2019). She continues to connect with the AP Statistics community by facilitating a small learning community for AP Statistics teachers in upstate SC, leading AP Statistics Summer Institutes through her role as a College Board endorsed AP Consultant, and serving as a contributor to the rewrite of the AP Statistics curriculum in 2019. She is the recipient of the 2018 College of Science Excellence in Teaching award, the 2021 College of Education Excellence in Service award, and was named a finalist in the 2023 College of Education Excellence in Teaching award.
Courses Taught
EDF 9270: Quantitative Research Designs and Statistics for Educational Contexts
EDF 9770: Multiple Regression / General Linear Model in Educational Research
EDF 9780: Multivariate Educational Research (independent study)
EDHD 9310: Data Science in Education Using R
Research Interests
Applied statistical methods in educational contexts
Statistics education
Diagnostic classification models
Item response theory
EHD Quantitative ClinicORCID page
Google Scholar profile
Teaching spotlight
AP Statistics Faculty Lecture